As atmospheric temperatures rise, world leaders have put in place an approach to stabilizing the climate. This agreement, known as the Paris Climate Agreement, has one of the main outliers of the international community: the United States. On June 1, 2017, President Trump announced his intention to withdraw from the agreement, which would create doubts about the ability of the United States to meet its climate protection commitments. 2014a. Kyoto Protocol [online]. [Access November 12, 2017. Available at]. One of the problems with the Kyoto process is that the protocol itself is not perfect. Yevgeny Utkin, assistant to the head of Rosgidromet and executive secretary of the Interdepartmental Commission on Climate Problems, said: “The Kyoto Protocol in its current form is not suitable for anyone. It must be modernized or replaced by a new agreement based on technological breakthrough and economic efficiency, which would be global, that is, involving all countries and taking full account of their specificities. DEN ELZEN, M.

J. DE MOOR, A. P.G. 2002. Evaluation of the Bonn-Marrakech agreement. Climate policy, 2, 111-117. After Trump announced his withdrawal from the Paris accord, a number of supporters of the deal erupted. As a result, a number of organizations have been created to recognize formal commitments on climate change, in accordance with the Paris Agreement, by local institutions, organizations and businesses in the United States. Here are a few. Before entering into the pros and cons of the Paris Agreement, it is worth remembering how the Paris Agreement was concluded. In this blog post, we give an overview of the agreement, including what it contains, what motivated Donald Trump`s decision and how it nevertheless inspired a strong show of support. Here is a brief formal notice of the content of the agreement. The Kyoto Protocol is a 1992 international treaty on the UNFCCC that commits its states parties to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by setting internationally binding greenhouse gas emission reduction targets (UNFCCC, 2014a). The treaty is based on the scientific consensus that the climate system is warming and that it is due to the consequences of human activity (IPCC, 1992). The Kyoto Protocol was presented at the signing on 11 December 1997 in Kyoto, Japan, and came into force on 16 February 2005. The first commitment period was from 2008 to 2012. It took years for it to come into force in 2005. Why so long? The protocol requires that at least 55 parties ratify the agreement and that the sum of their total emissions be at least 55% of the world`s greenhouse gas production. THE UNFCCC 2015. 10th anniversary of the Kyoto Protocol: timely climate warning agreements are working. UN Climate Change News Room, available in, available November 11, 2017.